COPAO is an Agricultural Cooperative Growers, with offices and plant in the municipality Campagna "Oil City" in the province of Salerno - Italy.
The oil company, modern and avant-garde is located within the production area certified DOP, belonging to a family of tradition and culture olive grove.

Production and oil quality.


Extra virgin "Hills of the Sun" 100% Italian.

The cooperative produces extra virgin olive oil "Hills of the Sun" 100% Italian, very high quality oil made exclusively from Italian olives selected the variety which Frantoiana, the Rotondella and Coratina, grown, harvested and pressed in 'period of 24 hours to ensure the highest product quality and authenticity.

The Production.

The extra virgin olive oil produced is of the highest quality, so check carefully the origin of raw materials, manufacturing processes and every phase of the organization, from production to packaging.
Our oil product is great, healthy, genuine and safe, an essential food for a good healthy diet daily.
The passion, commitment and consistent care in the processing of olives provide a high quality product characteristics unchanging over time.

Distribution - Sales.

Direct sales and distribution online.
Modern means color and brand company, managed by qualified personnel enable us to provide a home delivery service and attentive, keeping alive the relationship and that direct contact with the customer that goes beyond simple trade.



Produzione & Distribuzione - Olio Extravergine di Oliva D.O.P. e 100% Italiano • Distributore - Bologna - Italy •
Sede - Stabilimento - Campagna (Sa) Italy - P. iva 01123770651